Acupuncture is one of the therapeutic methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that is characterized by the insertion of needles into the body surface, to treat diseases and promote the health. The other traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods are:
auriculotherapy, electroacupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, moxibustion, suction therapy, Tuiná and physical practices (exercises integrated into meditation practice).
Acupuncture has been recognized as a medical specialty since 1995 by the Federal Council of Medicine. And in 2010, traditional Chinese medicine was recognized as a Heritage Cultural of Humanity by Unesco.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was developed empirically from the clinical experience, and documented in many texts, now classics, dating back to more than 4,500 years. Being used until today as complementary medicine - no substitutive - to allopathic medicine.
The MCT has as its basic principle the theory of the vital energy of the body (chi or Qi) that circulates through the body through channels, called meridians, which would have ramifications that the would connect to the organs, the main needling points are located in these meridians. MTC also includes among its principles the study of the relationship of yin/yang (two fundamental opposing and complementary forces that are found in all things) and of the five element theory (refers to the state of constant motion and change of nature, including man).
Thanks to scientific research carried out over the past fifty years, both in China and
in the West, the effects of Acupuncture are being unveiled. your mechanism of action
it has been demonstrated in the light of current science, having physiological bases.
Inserting an Acupuncture needle stimulates the nerve endings in the skin and
in the underlying tissues, mainly the muscles. The "message" generated by these
stimuli travels through the peripheral nerves to the central nervous system (medulla and brain).
Causing the release of several chemical substances known as neurotransmitters, triggering a series of important effects, such as analgesic, anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant, in addition to the modulating action on the emotions, the endocrine and immune system, and about various other bodily functions.
Sources: CMBA - https://cmba.org.br/
Book “The Fundamentals of Chinese Medicine” by Giovanni Maciocia.