Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is an ovulatory hormonal disorder in which the patient does not ovulate or delay ovulating, with spaced menstrual cycles.
Patients present symptoms of hyperandrogenism: clinical (acne, oily skin, hair loss and overweight) and/or laboratory (sex hormone changes). Many patients also have insulin resistance (altered insulin-glucose metabolism).
It is a complex hormonal and metabolic syndrome. Even because of this metabolic alteration, PCOS is associated with an increased risk for diabetes, systemic arterial hypertension, other cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
The causes of this syndrome are multifactorial, with genetic predisposition and environmental factors being involved. Important environmental factors are the endocrine disruptors that mimic our hormones, examples are: preservatives, substances released by plastic packaging and pesticides.
PCOS causes Infertility because the patient does not ovulate; or if you ovulate, the eggs are of poor quality, so the stimulation of ovulation with medication is not enough to achieve your ultimate goal of having your dream baby in your arms, other cares are needed.
The pillars of treatment are:
- Low carb and anti-inflammatory food added to vitamin supplementation (vitamin D, n-acetylcysteine and myo-inositol) duly supervised by a nutritionist or nutritionist.
- Aerobic physical activity to reduce weight and increase the release of GLUT4 protein that improve insulin resistance.
- Psychological support to align expectations, control anxiety and strengthen commitment to treatment.
- Associate acupuncture to harmonize energy imbalances and control the stress involved in the entire process.
- Drug treatment (metformin and ovulation inducers) guided by the gynecologist, if necessary.
In the view of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), there is often pre-celestial Jing deficiency (which justifies the genetic predisposition of PCOS) and post-celestial Jing deficiency (which explains the influence of environmental factors, triggering the syndrome ).
Obstruction of Qi in the Chong and Ren Mai meridians contributes to poor development of ovarian follicles, resulting in spaced, irregular cycles or long periods of amenorrhea (absence of menstruation).
In overweight patients with insulin resistance, spleen-pancreas Qi stagnation and moisture accumulation in the meridians are present. If a deposit of adipose tissue is observed predominantly in the abdominal region, it is possible that the Dai Mai meridian is also obstructed. Ovarian cysts and hepatic steatosis (fatty liver) are also signs of mucus buildup.
Signs of hyperandrogenism are due to accumulation of moisture/mucosity and blood stagnation. Acne present in PCOS is due to heat-dampness manifested in the skin. The predisposition to cardiovascular disease is caused by blood stagnation.
Complementary treatment of PCOS by TCM aims at the return of ovulation and with good quality eggs, through the mobilization of Qi and reduction of humidity/mucosity according to the disharmony diagnosed in your consultation. In addition to lifestyle change guidelines (food, exercise and meditation) and prescription of herbal medicines.
Regular follow-up with your gynecologist, nutritionist or nutritionist, and with me, your acupuncturist, is essential!
As already said, the treatment is multidisciplinary and requires a lot of dedication on the part of the patients, they are the protagonists of their treatment. Which will be very worthwhile, as PCOS is one of the best conditions that can be clinically reversed (without invasive procedures) to infertility, when the syndrome is the cause of this difficulty in getting pregnant.
